For the love of pottery and crystalline glazing

Posts tagged “ArtPrize 2012

ArtPrize 2012 (Part 2)

We have had a very busy two weeks.  We just moved into a new apartment and have at least doubled our space!  It is so wonderful to have more space.  With that being said, this helps explain why I have been MIA.  I have been working in the studio and plan to share what I have been working on in there, but for now I want to finish up with sharing about ArtPrize.  I was not a winner, but I was voted in the top 100 at least twice.  That was a real surprise and a great accomplishment to me since there were over 1500 artists competing!  It was a lot of fun and a lot of hard work.  I definitely want to be in ArtPrize again next year.  If you would like to see who the awards went you, you can check them out on the web here.

After my Jeremiah Tree was installed, we got to check out the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan and see a ton of work done by some very talented artists.  Here is a little “walk” through the city and ArtPrize.



This next piece was the winner of ArtPrize.  This was a drawing all done in pencil and was absolutely incredible!  This post only scratches the surface of what we saw and the talent that was there.  I hope you enjoyed checking this out.