For the love of pottery and crystalline glazing

Posts tagged “competitions

Prepping for Installation

ArtPrize is just two weeks away and I need to have the Jeremiah Tree fully completed.  This means I need to be working hard on the installation process.  It has been a little tricky coming up with a good way to hang this whole tree, but Andrew and I took some time to brainstorm and try out a few ideas that I think will work.  I think the hardest part of this installation will be the leaves of the tree, since they are all individual.  My plan was to wire them onto chicken wire that will be molded into the leafy tree form that I like.  In order to do this I have had to epoxy wood and wire to the back of each leaf so it will be secure enough.  So far so good.  It is a tedious project…actually the leaves in general have been rather tedious!

For the river plates, those will simply be hung by plate hangers.  These work really well and feel quite secure on the wall.  I also discovered that I can hang the tree trunk pieces in a similar fashion.  Nearing the end.  We will be leaving for Grand Rapids in 8 days!!  Yikes!

Bisque Firing

About two weeks ago, I fired the kiln for the first time since Noah was born.  My parents were in town and I was feeling overwhelmed with the amount of work that I needed to get done in the little time that I have.  My mom then encouraged me to just go over to the studio and get the kiln loaded and fired while she stayed home with Noah.  So, off I went along with my dad and my husband.  They helped me carry my work to the kiln while I loaded.  Into the bisque went six owl banks, the rest of the tree trunk pieces, leaves, and a dozen plates.  Everything fired quite nicely, so I was able to start prepping for a glaze firing.

Ok, so why am I so overwhelmed?  Well, I am officially going to be apart of ArtPrize this year.  It is an international art competition that takes place in Grand Rapids, MI this September and October.  I need to complete my Jeremiah Tree in time for the installation date:  September 15th.  (I will fill you in more on this exciting endeavor later.)  I am also hoping to have my second fall show in Maryland this year and I may potentially be coaching field hockey again this fall.  Normally I would not feel so stressed about all that is going on but, I am going to be gone for two weeks in July and then I will be out of town again for the whole month of August!  So, that is a lot of valuable time in the studio that will be lost.  On top of all of that, I now have a new first priority:  taking care of Noah.  It is a lot to juggle.  I just need to take it one day at a time and make the most of any studio time that I am able to get!

Saturday, I was able to fire the kiln for a glaze.  What was in that firing?  60 more leaves for the Jeremiah Tree project, and all of the pieces for the tree trunk and roots.  The kiln is finally cool enough to open up today.  I may not, however,  get to that today.  I am anxious to see how it all turned out – especially the tree trunk.  I stained the trunk and roots in red iron oxide to really bring out all the detail in the bark and give it a more dramatic look.  It should look more brown after it has been fired.  Can’t wait to check it out.  Here are some shots of the process.

Winding Down

What is on the docket for this week?  Well, I am winding down my work load.  I am finishing my final commissions this week so I will feel like I can take the break when baby comes.  I have been talking to the baby a lot about timing.  I told the baby I would greatly appreciate if he or she did not come until after this week.  I have a lot I want to get done this week to actually feel “ready” for the baby to come.  Of course, all timing is in God’s hands.  I know the baby will come in perfect time, but I would just like to make it through this week.  I have three firings scheduled for this week which will complete my commissions!  Whoo-hoo!  That will feel so good to have completed.  I am not planning on taking any new commissions until September.  (If this totally bums you out, just send me a message.  We can talk.)  I will most likely be taking the month of June off; most of it at least, to just enjoy our baby and our life that will be turned upside down.  In July, I hope to get back into work and be preparing for another fall show in Maryland and possibly my first one in New York.  That is my hope and plan.  We shall see how life goes at that point and what I am able to accomplish.  I am continuing to work on my installation piece, The Jeremiah Tree, for ArtPrize as well as working on some other studio projects that are just for me at my own pace.  In a way I am a bit sad to know I will be stopping work for a while, simply because I love what I do.  I know, however, I am not going to be sad in the least when I am holding my baby in my arms.  I will gladly take the break!  For that, I am looking forward to it.

So, what is on the rest of my “to do” list before the baby comes?

  • finish final commissions and mail them out
  • change out my winter clothes for my spring/summer (check!)
  • wash all baby clothes and bedding
  • pack my bag for the hospital
  • make up crib and dresser for baby
  • finish all baby shower thank you notes
  • clean & maintain the floors, bathroom, bedroom and dust
  • purchase last-minute baby needs and hospital stay needs
  • find pediatrician for our baby

Not too daunting of a list, but enough to work through.  I know my excitement and anticipation will only increase as each of these gets checked off the list.  I am hoping to get most, if not all, of these things done this week.  So, hang in there baby!


Jeremiah Tree – Update

It has been a little while since my last update on the “Jeremiah Tree” project.  My progress is coming along nicely and it is feeling good to see it all piece together.  I have officially registered as an artist with ArtPrize.  My profile page is set up and my work has been submitted.  The next step in this process is to try to find a venue that wants to host your work in their location for the ArtPrize competition.  I spent the weekend looking though the list of venues and making a list of ones to try to connect with.  This morning I spent some time sending out inquiries/proposals to different venues that I think would be great places to host my work.  I am really hopeful that I will get some good feedback and make a good connection to help secure me into the competition and exhibit.  I am really excited about this process and a bit overwhelmed at the same time.  There are so many amazing artists out there.  It is definitely going to be a tough competition, but one worth while.  It has been pretty cool to look through the different artists and their work.  Some really beautiful and stunning work to be seen!

Here is a little look at how the tree is coming along.  The trunk and roots are complete.  I next need to fire them with the red iron oxide stain.  I need to keep making more leaves and get them glazed.  I am also working on the various sized plates for the “river”.  I am staying busy in the studio and working on two final commissions before I take a good break when our baby comes!

Don’t you just love how those crystals seem to explode when the sun hits them?  This last image was my original planning sketch if you had not seen it from my earlier posts.  I also did a quick sketch of the tree in color, for a better idea of the final image.  Excited to get this all pieced together and finished!