For the love of pottery and crystalline glazing

Posts tagged “Paragon Kilns

Paragon Kilns Catalog



Notice anything special about the cover of this catalog for Paragon Kilns?  That’s my work on the cover!  Paragon Kilns are well-known in the ceramic world and I am honored to be featured on the cover as one of the artists!  I met a guy who works for Paragon through Facebook.  He had found my blog on the web and saw an image of me standing near my kiln.  (It was an older kiln model that he had worked on.)  He then took a look through some of my other posts and checked out my work.  From there he found me on Facebook and introduced himself and asked how I was liking my Paragon kiln.  I shared how much I love it and we chatted back and forth for a bit.  He then asked if I would mind having my work published in their catalog.  Would I mind?  Please do!  When I went to the mail box yesterderday I had a little package post-marked from Paragon and inside were about six copies of the new catalog.




On the inside front cover is a “meet the artists” page.  There is a picture of me posted by my kiln with a quote, too.  That is my highlight for today.  I feel like I needed it too.

