For the love of pottery and crystalline glazing

Posts tagged “blogging

Pedestals & Collecting Dishes


The days in the studio had been a bit on the slow end while I was working on my kiln.  It took much longer to get the elements and thermocouple installed that I had thought.  I had to wait a while for the parts to come in and then it took a few days to get it all done myself.  I was running out of shelf space, but it was a good time to keep plugging away at my studio work and keep working through commissions.  One of my mornings was spent making pedestals and collecting dishes.  This is probably one of the most boring things to work on for me.  Zero creativity here!  It is, however, an extremely important part of my throwing and firing process.  It does feel good to have this done.  Now that my kiln is up and running again…I have a TON to fire!  I am heading back to the studio soon to finish glazing earring trees, plates, and a new item as well!  Then it is time to fire up the kiln for a glaze!

(I have a lot to blog about.  I don’t have any excuses for my lack of blogging these last few months!!)