For the love of pottery and crystalline glazing

Posts tagged “firing the kiln

Glazing Day!


The kiln is firing a glaze load as I write this!  It is the first glaze firing since installing new elements and a new thermocouple, so I am really hoping all is going well in there and that beautiful crystals are forming.  I also have a few new glazes in there so I am anxious to see how they will turn out.  So, what pieces are in the kiln?  I am glad you asked:  earring trees, and pieces for mirrors and rings!  It feels good to be checking off the firings.  I have a lot to do and not a whole lot of time to get it all done.  I am a full-time mom now as well, so that adds to my lack of time.  One day at a time, right?  Friday evening I will be able to open up the kiln and hopefully unload as well to get ready for the next firing!

Pedestals & Collecting Dishes


The days in the studio had been a bit on the slow end while I was working on my kiln.  It took much longer to get the elements and thermocouple installed that I had thought.  I had to wait a while for the parts to come in and then it took a few days to get it all done myself.  I was running out of shelf space, but it was a good time to keep plugging away at my studio work and keep working through commissions.  One of my mornings was spent making pedestals and collecting dishes.  This is probably one of the most boring things to work on for me.  Zero creativity here!  It is, however, an extremely important part of my throwing and firing process.  It does feel good to have this done.  Now that my kiln is up and running again…I have a TON to fire!  I am heading back to the studio soon to finish glazing earring trees, plates, and a new item as well!  Then it is time to fire up the kiln for a glaze!

(I have a lot to blog about.  I don’t have any excuses for my lack of blogging these last few months!!)

So Much to do in so Little Time

With the set back of my kiln for so long, I am now in a crunch to get everything done in time for the show and then for another craft fair just a few weeks following that.  I have not been in the studio yet this morning, but I am sort of dreading it today.  Not because of the work load (which is why I MUST go in), but because it is pouring out!  I am sure the floor is somewhat flooded and it is going to be a cold day in there today.  I need to get a lot of glazing done today for the next firing.  Looks like I will be wearing rain boots at work today!

This tray came out of the last glaze firing.  Ahh, it is good to see crystals again, isn’t it?  The last load was nearly all glazed in the copper green.  I am not sick of it.  It is still one of my favorite glazes, but I like to have variety in the kiln.  That’s ok though, in the kiln load that is cooling right now there are only two pieces glazed in the copper green.  I have two sets of plates in there that I am anxious to see:  a set of four lunch plates glazed in cobalt crystalline and a set glazed in ivory crystalline.

The kiln load that is cooling right now is already my third load!  I am pumping them out as fast as I can.  I am still throwing in the meantime, but I am not sure how that will look today if the floor is flooded.  I don’t want the pedal to my wheel sitting in a puddle.  That cannot be good for it!

This is why I am so overwhelmed!  Everything here needs to be glazed and fired!  Of course I can condense things on the shelves because they can stack.  That cannot happen in the kiln.  Oh how I wish it could!  Ok, no more wishing, time to pull on the rain boots and get to work!